With the new ISO standards almost in place, global acquisitions among suppliers, a changing market offering more
opportunities for global contracts, new threats in building security, an enterprising and energetic multicultural
population in offices with “internet eyes” everywhere, or the concept of “right here, right now”, makes it necessary to
establishwhere FM is andwhere it´s heading.
Tested FM projects to share data
and experiences or lessons learned
New initiatives or new approaches or
ways of solving situations
Strong messages that could lead to ideas
or projects to be implemented in FM
Consolidating the Global Scope of Facility Management
Pekka Matvejeff
Chairman of EuroFM
The Eu r o p e an Fa c i l i t y Man a g emen t
Conference (EFMC) has been the leading FM-
Conference in Europe for the last 25 years. It
will also continue its central role in bringing
FM business, practitioners, educators and
researchers fromall over the world together in
European cities.
The cultural diversity of Europe and the
versatility of the FM community set high
demands even for organizing conferences and
networking. During these decades EuroFMhas
been able to establish a sound, well known and
attractive conference tradition as well as a
platformfor all actors to join.
The EFMC is a huge opportunity to come out
with new initiatives and development ideas. It
is also about active listening and hearing the
manifold voices of the FM community. It is
about knowledge, inspiration and innovation!
On behalf of EuroFM, I warmly welcome you all
to join us in the 2017 EFMC inMadrid.
Francisco García-Ahumada
President of IFMA Spain
It is a great pleasure for me to welcome the
European FMevent of the year 2017.
IFMA España is proud that EuroFM has chosen
Madrid to hold its annual event, where we will
meet with prominent professional from all
over theworld. While inMadrid, youwill be able
to savour the famous Spanish cuisine as well
as taking in the thousands of years of history
and culture that we have to offer.
We are honored to have the opportunity to
share this amazing experience with all of you
and we warmly invi te you to at tend a
memorable event in which you will have the
opportunity to work hand in hand with the most
prestigious leaders in our fields.
With your active participation and your positive
commitment I am sure that we will be able to
reach our goals.
Looking forward to seeing you all in Madrid, I
send youmy warmest regards.
David Martínez
From the day we received the confirmation
fromEuroFM to organize the 25th edition of the
EFMC, we knew we had a huge responsibility
on our backs. Part of the awarding message
was “The decision was based upon your
passion and heart for the FM profession and
your experience with the FM discipline, the FM
world, and your exper iences wi th the
organization of other FMevents”… If being PCO
was not pressure enough…
We put together the best compilation of
experiences to make you think again about
everything. Facility Managers need the time
and a place to think out of the box, and this is
your “ideas generator” event. All in an
incredible venue, with amazing food and an
international crowd to do great networking
I join Pekka and Francisco, on welcoming you
to Madrid, to the best FM conference you have
attended to, and if not, we did not succeed.
over 500 delegates expected
live broadcast
total interaction with the app
over 80 speakers and presenters
9 blocks and 6 roundtables
over 30 countries represented
Welcome Reception &
Open Exhibition Area
Guided FM
Site Visits
26 & 27
Business Conferences
Research Conferences
EuroFM Activities
Carbon neutral event, please avoid printing. Refresh brochure for update or check the APP. Last revised on
April. 23